File Format
- Import Table, Import Address Table and .NET Section.reloc
- To relocate the address which the EntryPoint instruction jumps to (it's the only address contained the IAT). The IT counts just one imported module (mscoree.dll) and one imported function (_CorExeMain for executables and _CorDllMain for dynamic load libraries)..rsrc
- Main icon for an executable, since all others resources are in the .NET Section.
References: - https://www.ntcore.com/files/dotnetformat.htm - https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/blogs/anatomy-of-a-net-assembly-pe-headers/
Dynamically load memory-only modules
References: - https://www.endgame.com/blog/technical-blog/hunting-memory-net-attacks
.NET framework included in OS version
- CFF Explorer: https://ntcore.com/?page_id=388
- PE inspection library allowing .NET programmers to read, modify and write executable files: https://github.com/Washi1337/AsmResolver
- Parser for Windows Portable Executable headers: https://github.com/secana/PeNet
- Reverse Engineering .NET Applications For Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOVXWRrd_qg